Rosetta Stone and GlyphViewer

As we talked into a previous post, Word of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Hieroglyphs were at the heart of the Egyptian civilization. These elaborate symbols, though ideal for large inscriptions found in temples and monuments, were too difficult for day-to-day scribbling, so other scripts were evolved in Egypt in parallel. These were the ‘hieratic’ and ‘demotic’ scripts, which can crudely be […]

Word of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs

“Egyptian philology should never lose sight of the fact that her chief title to existence is as handmaid to the sovereign humanities of literature, history, and the study of the mind of man…In ideal conditions Egyptologists would be compelled to re-translate all their inscriptions and papyri as frequently as revised editions of the great European encyclopedias are now accustomed to […]

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